AOKK Advanced Elbow Strikes

AOKK Advanced Elbow Strikes

Elbows are powerful weapons. They’re larger bones, so they carry larger mass. Using elbow strikes are safer than using fists where the many small bones of the hand can be broken. Children and women should develop these weapons because of the power that can be generated. Breaking wood can show women the power within this weapon.

Note: The point of the elbow can also be used to stimulate pressure points.


Dropping Elbow Strike:


The dropping elbow strike is the reverse of the rising. Simply start with the elbow above the shoulder and drive the point straight down. This technique is delivered by driving the point of the elbow straight downward. The point of the elbow is the striking part of the arm. This elbow can be dropped on a collarbone, sternum, neck, and kidneys. This is the best way to stop a knee strike. I will shut the thigh down if delivered correctly.

This strike can also be delivered by jumping and dropping the point of the elbow on the collarbone or other upper body targets.

Reverse Elbow Strike:


The reverse elbow is the reverse of the horizontal elbow strike. The force is again generated with hip rotation, but the elbow and lower triceps takes the impact. The reverse elbow is thrown after missing with the horizontal elbow. It simply reverses direction and drives the point of the elbow into the target. The karateka can purposely miss with the horizontal elbow to set up the reverse elbow.

Spinning Elbow Strike:

This elbow strike basically a version of the Horizontal elbow. It is never a good idea to turn your back to an opponent, but this motion can clear or cause the attacker to set out of the circle of combat. If the blow lands the circular motion of the strike is very powerful, but if it does not you must quickly follow the blow with another attack.

Backwards Elbow Strike:

This elbow strike is when the opponent has grasp you from behind. Step sideways to gain access to the attacker’s target areas. Drive the point of your elbow backwards. It is Common to strike with he back of your head to loosen the adversary’s grip.

Backwards Horizontal Elbow Strike:

This elbow strike is when the opponent has grasp you from behind. Step sideways to gain access to the attacker’s target areas. Rotate your shoulders left and right swinging your horizontal elbows towards the attacker’s head.

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