Seiunchin Bunkai Section-8: Counter to a Double Lapel Grasp

8.2.0 Seiuchin Bunkai: Lesson from Class

[Source:] Isshin-ryu Black-belt
[Rating:] AOKK Preferred Bunkai

When someone grasps your clothing, it is to control your movement. After they grab you, they will attempt to: throw you, push you into a wall, or strike you. The moment a person grabs you; you must initiate a counterattack. Hesitate and you’ve lost.

Part-1 Attacker: Grabs both Lapels
Part-2 Defender:  Forearm Parry Blocks and Punches
  • Forearm Parry Block downward on top of the assailant’s arms.
  • Grasp the attacker’s clothing or wrist. The wrist control prevents the attacker from moving out of range. (LH)
  • Punch between the opponent’s arms to the solar-plexus. (RH)

Note: If the opponent drops down, after the forearm parry, punch to the face.

Note: You can punch several times with the same hand, and in a real conflict, when one hand is holding the attacker, this will happen.

Theory: If the adversary covers his/her solar plexus by pulling their elbows towards their ribs punch to the face. When one target does not present itself, find another.

Theory: The attacker may lean forwards, drop downwards, stay in place, or try to pull away when you drive your forearm into theirs.

Part-3 Attacker: Pulls Backwards, Drops Down, or Leans Forward
Part-4 Defender : Maintains Control and Back-Knuckles
  • Maintain control and shuffle forwards as the attacker moves away. (LH)
  • Back-fist or Back-knuckle strike to bridge of the adversary’s nose. [Nasal Bone] (RH)

[End Series]

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