Baehr Fundamental #3

Fundamental #3: Inside Wristlock with Tai-otoshi

  1. Both fighter’s step into fighting stance.
  2. Uke: Grabs throat with a Tiger Mouth Choke
  3. Tori: Trap Uke’s hand (RH), and simultaneously deliver a palm-heel to his/her chin (LH).
  4. Tori: Use both hands and execute a two handed inside wristlock.
  5. Tori: Turn Uke’s arm until the point of the elbow is facing upwards and place your elbow on top of Uke’s and press downward.
  6. Tori: Utilize the wristlock to throw Uke with Tai-otoshi.
  7. Tori: Place your knee on Uke’s back and maintain the lock.

Warning: Uke must know how to forward break-fall.

Purpose of Technique Fundamental #3

In the third series the student is introduced to inside wristlock. This is intended to teach that there a variations to conventional standing jujitsu techniques and you must take what the opponent gives you. This wristlock can quickly evolve into an elbow-lock. It teaches the fluidity of jujitsu. It also teaches the student their first “Hold.” Locks an Holds are only temporary solutions. You only lock or hold an adversary until help arrives. It is very difficult to dislocate an adversary’s joint, and in a life preservation situation the opponent will not simply submit. To end a confrontation, you must knock or choke an assailant unconscious.

Once an Uke grabs you they have committed an assault and you have the right to defend yourself. When someone grabs you, it is usually in an effort to control your movement. This action may quickly be followed by a strike or throw. Trapping his/her hand and striking them simultaneously will cause the Uke to pull away. This is what the AOKK refers to as an opening-up technique and allows you to more easily apply the wristlock. Under normal circumstance and Uke will not willingly allow you to twist their hand without resistance, but a shot to the chin makes them more pliable to this action. As they pull backwards, turn Uke’s elbow upwards. Step behind Uke and use the wristlock and Tai-otoshi throw to place them on their face. At this point you press you knee into their back to complete the hold.

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