Baehr Fundamental #6

Fundamental #6:  Crossbody Arm-Bar with Tani-otoshi [Valley Drop]

  1. Both fighter’s step into fighting stance.
  2. Uke: Throws a Straight Right (Power side Punch)
  3. Tori: Step outside Uke’s shoulder line and execute a (RH) Mawashuki block and a (LH) palm strike to the ribs simultaneously.
  4. Tori: Grasp Uke’s arm and push it downward (RH)
  5. Tori: Palm-heel strike to Uke’s chin (LH).
  6. Tori: Horizontal and reverse elbow strike (Left Elbow).
  7. Tori: Turn into a cross-body arm-bar (RH) with head crank (LH).
  8. Tori: Tani-otoshi throw (Valley Drop) Uke backwards.

  Note: The cross-body arm-bar id typically made by grasping the opponent’s lapel. In reality few Uke’s wear a karte-gi or Judo-gi or uniform on the street. Rarely will an opponent wear a light open jacket, so the AOKK version of the cross-body arm-bar incorporates the use of a neck-crank technique. This technique is executed by wrapping your arm around the opponent’s neck. Pressure can be applied to uke’s chin to increase the torque of the technique.

Note: All locks an holds are simply methods of restraint they’re in most cases only and introduction to an additional technique. Locks and holds are solely used to restrain an assailant until help can arrive. As we all know fights are fluid and these locks and holds cannot be sustained forever. The student must take what is given and turn the opponent’s body movement into another lock or hold. This will demonstrated more in the next fundamentals.

Purpose of Technique Fundamental #6

This series is much too elaborate for normal combat, but it teaches individual techniques that can be used separately. First it again teaches body evasion and simultaneous counterattacking technique. It also introduces the reverse elbow and crossbody arm-bar technique. Lastly it the Tani-otoshi throw.

Every non-trained fighter wants to land their power technique. Since most people are righthanded their right-hand is their power hand. By stepping outside the blow, you make it harder to throw a combination. Blocking and striking simultaneously makes you appear to be faster. Traditionally karate students are taught to block and then strike in a two-part motion, but this slows the fighter down and makes them predictable. This simultaneous block and strike is know as “The Economy of Motion.”

Warning: Controlling Uke’s fall is Tori’s responsibility, so release the grip on the neck and grasp uke’s collar before beginning the throw while practicing. Do not let uke’s head hit the tatami.

Warning: Uke must be skilled in backwards break-fall and remember to tuck your chin.

Warning: It is Uke’s responsibility to tap before they are injured during the cross-body arm-bar.

Note: Tani-otoshi or valley drop is a side sacrifice throw from the Yoko-sutemi-waza category of throws.

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