FSBCG Church Karate & Facility Rules

FSBCG Church Karate & Facility Rules:

  1. Do not Ask For Promotion:

It takes as long as it takes. Don’t miss the adventure while worrying about the goal.

  1. Serious Attitude:

Unnecessary talking, gum chewing, and horseplay are not allowed. Unnecessary talking shows a lack of respect for the leadership. Chewing gum can lead to a choking accident. Horseplay is unsafe. The techniques taught in karate class can cause severe injury if misused.

  1. Profanity:

Course language will not be tolerated. Adults will be asked to leave the facility after being warned about their profane language. We are nurturing respect and this language unravels out efforts. This facility is a church and parents and students must understand this cannot be allowed on the campus.

  1. Alcohol and Drugs:

Drugs and alcohol are not allowed. A student that has the smell of liquor or is impaired in the judgment of the instructors he/she will be asked to leave. This can be dangerous to other students as well as the impaired student.

  1. Smoking:

Smoking is not allowed on FSBCG grounds.

  1. Regular Workouts:

Student should workout n a regular basis if they wish to improve their skills. A student that misses two consecutive months of training will automatically be dropped from the program. If there is a need to be gone for this time you must inform the Sensei.

  1. Full Attendance:

Leaving class early, unless necessary, is discouraged and should only be done with the instructor’s permission.

  1. Use of Mats & Equipment:

No one is allowed on the mats without black belt permission. No one is allowed to use any equipment without permission.

  1. Sparing (Kumite):

Sparing is done only under the supervision of a certified referee, or school black belt. All techniques are done with control. A student that demonstrates a loss of temper will lose sparing privileges.

  1. Cleanliness:

Gi, or workout clothes must be clean and neat at all times. Good personal hygiene must be observed.

  1. School Facilities and Equipment:

No one is allowed inside the auditorium. No one is allowed in either hallway to the Bible school classes or preschool classes. Violation of these rules shows a disregard for the facility and a presumed lack of respect for the program leadership. The violator will be asked to leave the program.

  1. Dues:

Dues must be paid each month.

  1. Water Breaks:

There will be regular water breaks, but if you need a drink please help yourself without disturbing the class. Personal water may be brought with the student.

  1. Respect and Courtesy:

Respect for God, country, others, self, parents, church, and other martial artists will be observed at always. We will behave as ladies and gentlemen at all times.