Shoshin Nagamine’s Maxims of Okinawan Karate-do

Shoshin Nagamine’s Maxims of Okinawan Karate-do
Karate begins with courtesy and ends with it. No one is qualified to be a karate-man without courtesy even if he excels in his/her technique. Courtesy means always asking yourself whether you are pursuing karate-do for the right purpose of seeking peace and showing your deep respect for others. This is why the practice or demonstration of kata begins and ends with a bow. The bow represents one’s recognition of the true meaning of courtesy. When we purse karate-do, we try to learn theory and its application from our predecessors and senior karate-men with respect and courtesy. On their part, they teach us with due regard and consideration, yet strictness. We must respect this sort of mutualism in which and open-minded relationship between senior and junior karate-mean is observed. This, too, is what we call courtesy.
2. Cleanliness:
A karate-man must always try to keep his body and mind clean and right. Once he/she looses his/her righteous and pure mind, it is no longer possible for him/her to learn karate for the right purpose. Once he/she lacks cleanliness, it is no longer possible for him/her to concentrate on karate practice. In this connection we should learn something form this karate proverb: “There is no reformation of yourself without keeping clean and no cleanliness without keeping your mind right.
Steady and hard efforts can produce miracles. Diligence is firmly rooted in the spirit of bushido (Way of the Martial Arts), so we must bestow it on our younger generation, so they may overcome the difficult situations they encounter in life.
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