FSBC/AOKK Yudansha Red Kanji Ceremoney

  1. Opening Prayer

  2. Bow in the Yudansha

  3. Pledge of Allegiance

  4. Lighting of the Candles

  5. Senior Black-belt Speaks on Respect and Responsibility of Rank.

  6. Read Shoshi Nagamine’s Maximums of Karate-do

  7. Read the Poem “IF”

  8. Read the Isshin-ryu Code

  9. Read the Isshin-ryu Creed

  10. Each Black Belt Speaks to the Candidates

  11. Read the AOKK Lineage

  12. Read the AOKK Yudansha Membership

  13. Read Corinthians 13:11

  14. Prayer of Blessing Over the Younger Brother/Sister

  15. Parents Speak Over their Child

  16. Belts will be Awarded

  17. Closing Prayer

  18. Bow out the Yudansha

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