Shimabuku's Isshin ryu Code

Shimabuku’s Isshin-Ryu Code:
A person’s heart is the same as Heaven and Earth.
This is a reference to harmony of life. Training hard in karate will give you the confidence necessary to walk into any situation with confidence. Fear causes disharmony.
This can also refer to attitude or the condition of your heart. Your attitude will make you high as the heavens or low as the earth. A good attitude can make life feel like heaven on earth.
The blood circulating is similar to the Moon and the Sun.
In karate movement is life. Stop moving and you’ll get hit. Keep moving and there is always hope for escape.
All things have a beginning and an end, but sometimes the ending of one thing is simply the beginning of another. Don’t focus on the end of the journey be in the moment.
Never be satisfied, always seek greater knowledge in the martial arts and in life.
A manner of either drinking or spitting is either hard or soft.
In karate there is a time and a place to attack strongly or yield to a blow so that it does not penetrate.
In life there are times to respond strongly and there are times to be passive. You oppose evil strongly, but do not damage a student’s esteem for a momentary lapse of etiquette.
Sometimes the best defense is a negotiation, and other times a physical intervention may be necessary.
A person’s unbalance is the same as weight.
In karate a blow cannot be delivered with full power if your balance is compromised.
Balance is necessary in life. Too much of one activity robs another. Too much karate affects family. Your physical needs must be balanced with your spiritual needs. Being out of balance is like having a weight hanging around your neck.
Another aspect of balance is preparedness. A karateka must be prepared for anything or they will stumble.
The body should be able to change direction at anytime.
In karate you must be able to move in any direction to prevent being trapped. Once you’re trapped the battle is over. You must be able to charge forward or retreat at any moment. You must be able to move side to side and on any angle easily.
Changing directions is necessary in life. You must be able to change when the situation warrants it. Sadly not every situation you are thrust into has a clearly defined objective and in the process you may find your goals have changed. Always be prepared to change and adapt to a bad situation.
The time to strike is when the opportunity presents itself.
In karate when you see an opening your body must be trained to attack before to moment is lost.
In life there are situations, that if acted upon too soon or too late could have bad implications. Enjoy life when your problems are few and be grateful for the moment because everyone is tested by life, and it’s through the difficult times that we truly grow or fail.
The eye must see all sides.
In a fight your eyesight narrows and you can develop tunnel vision. You must practice fighting until this can be controlled. A fighter needs forward and peripheral vision to be effective.
A martial artist must develop a sense of discernment. You need to be able to read people. Not everyone is good and not everyone is bad, but you must not teach the art to someone that will miss use it.
A good man/woman has the ability to see both sides of a problem if they wish to resolve it.
The ear must listen in all directions.
Since we have no eyes in the back of our head the karateka must use his/her hearing to discern when an attack is coming.
Hearing is the most difficult skill a man or women can learn. Practice active listening. Really strive to hear what someone is saying before you form an opinion.
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