Fundamental #13: Simultaneous Block Strike with Tomoe-nage

Fundamental #13: Simultaneous Block Strike with Tomoe-nage
- Both fighter’s step into fighting stance.
- Uke: Grabs Your Lapel
- Tori: Trap the opponent’s gripping hand with your (LH) left hand and execute a vertical snap punch to the Uke’s solar plexus.
- Tori: Rising Elbow strike to the chin. (RH).
- Tori: Shuto to the collarbone. (RH).
- Tori: Grab the back of the adversary’s neck.
- Tori: Wrap your hands behind Uke’s neck.
- Tori: Drop down and throw Uke with a straight leg Tomoe-nage.
Warning: Do not interlace your fingers one you wrap behind the Uke’s neck. Your fingers can be hyperextended if they’re interlaced.
Purpose of Technique Fundamental #13:
This series is a response to an opponent trying to control your movement or Judoka setting up a shoulder throw. In the course of your jujitsu training you will also learn how to counter hip and shoulder throws, but this exercise is to show how the student can flow through all ranges of combat. The throw can end a confrontation or extend it into range three. If the throw is executed properly the adversary can be launched several feet behind you.
When the Uke grabs your clothing in an effort to control your movement, knock his/her grip loose and drive a punch to their solar plexus. Before they can recover grab their neck and deliver a rising elbow strike. Shuto strike downwards on top of the opponent’s collarbone. Wrap your hands around the adversary’s neck and throw them with Straight-leg Tomoe-nage. The foot this time is placed in Ukes hip crease. As you pull Uke backwards straighten the leg. Uke should fly over you and land on his/her back. A variation of this throw can be done with both feet.
Note: In the case of throwing extraordinarily heavy Ukes, you can roll them to the side if you cannot get full leg extension.
Warning: Control Uke’s flight by limiting the extension of your legs.