Fundamental #16: Elbow strike and Headlock with Uki-waza

Fundamental #16: Elbow strike and Headlock with Uki-waza
Warning: Do not attempt this without a qualified AOKK jujitsu instructor’s supervision.
- Both fighter’s step into fighting stance.
- Uke: Grabs Your lapel and Punches.
- Tori: Traps grasping hand (LH) and blocks round-house punch with mawashuki (RH).
- Tori: Palm-heel strike to chin (RH).
- Tori: Horizontal Elbow followed by Reverse Elbow.
- Tori: Wrap arm around the opponent’s neck in a guillotine choke.
- Tori: While maintaining the lock, and throw him/her forwards with Uki-waza
Warning: Uke must be skilled in the backwards break-fall technique.
Warning: Release the headlock while practicing this throw to prevent injury to your training partner.
Note: In a life preservation situation, you would drive the opponent’s head into the ground and move to their back and choke them unconscious. (Hadake-jime)
Purpose of Technique Fundamental #16:
This reinforces the student’s to utilization of blocks, strikes and locks coupled with throwing techniques. One of the dominate throws taught is Uki-waza and this fundamental allows for the practice of this technique.
Fundamental fifteen once again reinforces the “Opening-up Technique” to make the standing jujitsu work. Lastly, it shows the student that a headlock can be used to facilitate a takedown or throw. This idea strays from conventional systems like Judo