Fundamental #11: Guillotine Choke with Sumi-gaeshi

Fundamental #11: Guillotine Choke with Sumi-gaeshi
- Both fighter’s step into fighting stance.
- Uke: Shoots for a Double-Leg Takedown
- Tori: Wrap your arms around Uke’s neck and apply a guillotine choke.
Note: Uke’s momentum will drive you backwards.
- Tori: Pull Uke forwards and roll with the Sumi-gaeshi.
Note: You should be above Uke’s hip line if you roll with the technique.
- Tori: Maintain the Guillotine Choke until Uke passes out or surrenders.
Warning: Release the guillotine choke when practicing this technique. Throwing an opponent with this lock can injure Uke’s neck and spine. Tie off to your clothing and complete the Sumi-gaeshi and roll. The throw looks similar Tomoe-nage.
Purpose of Technique Fundamental #11
The Double leg takedown is known to grapplers, wrestlers, football players, and judoka. In Judo it is called Morote-gari. Football players use a version of this technique when they make an open field tackle, so it is a common assault. Your focus is on the opponent’s neck. As they hit you wrap your arms around their neck while hooking one foot inside the opponent’s groin. Let the Uke’s momentum drive you backwards while you execute Tomoe-nage. Maintain the choke until they pass-out or signal surrender.
This type of sacrifice throw keeps takes you into range three. If you use a straight leg Tomoe-nage you can launch the opponent over your shoulders if you do not want to continue the fight on the ground. Still if you drop to the ground expect to continue the altercation in range three.