SL1.6 Cross-body Arm-Bar Variation 3 ( Wrist and Chin)

SL1.6 Cross-body Arm-Bar Variation 3 ( Wrist and Chin)

Warning: This technique should only be practiced with a qualified AOKK instructor present.


The attacker punches or reaches for you.

  • Grasp the assailant’s left wrist with your left wrist.
  • Step to the side and behind and reach around the attacker’s head and grasp his/her chin or ear.
  • Rotate the attacker’s arm until the point of the elbow is against your chest.
  • Arch your back and simultaneously pull back on the attacker’s arm and chin. Hyperextend the attacker’s elbow.

Note: If the chin is hard to hold use a Fishhook technique to rip his/her head around. Remember with the Fishhook watch the attacker’s teeth, so you do not get bit.

  • When you release the attacker, punch, kick or knee to the spinal column or kidneys.

You can also execute a Tani-otoshi (Valley Drop) throw from this position

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