Fundamental #18: O-goshi with Reverse armbar.

Fundamental #18:  O-goshi with Reverse armbar.

Warning: Do not attempt this without a qualified AOKK jujitsu instructor’s supervision. 

  1. Both fighter’s step into fighting stance.
  2. Uke: Grabs both Shoulders
  3. Tori: High Blocks and Low blocks a variation of (Heaven and Earth).
  4. Tori: Knee or kick to groin.
  5. Tori: Palm-heel strike to Uke’s head.
  6. Tori: Ridge-hand & Forearm strike to uke’s head.
  7. Tori: Tie-off to Uke and try to execute O-goshi (Hip throw)
  8. Uke: Rolls, in an effort, to escape.

Note: Take what your attacker gives you. If he/she rolls, for example, move into an technique that is aided by their action.

  1. Tori: Maintain control of the Uke’s arm.
  2. Tori: Step over the Uke and place the opponent in a reverse Arm-bar.
  3. Tori: Execute pant leg choke.

Purpose of Technique Fundamental #18:

This fundamental teaches the student O-goshi and introduces the Reverse arm-bar from the kneeling position. It also introduces a choke utilizing your clothing to choke an opponent.

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