[2.3.3] Section-2 Kaishaku: Counter to a Lead Hand Punch or Lapel Grab

[2.3.3] Section-2 Kaishaku: Counter to a Lead Hand Punch or Lapel Grab
[Source:] AOKK Isshin-ryu Black Belt
Rating: Moderate
Note: This bunkai incorporates Section-2 and Section-3 techniques.
Note: This is overly complex, but many pieces of this bunkai are important and can be used individually. It develops the transfer of an opponent’s wrist from one hand to another to keep the adversary in range. It also develops the concept of throwing an opponent via a lock in this case the crossbody armbar. Mainly, it develops the trapping of an attacker’s limb and using that limb in a counterattack.
Part-1 Attacker: Punches
- Attacker steps forward and throws a reverse punch or grabs your lapel.
Part-2 Defender: Trap and Wristlock
Note: Pull back into a cat stance to break the attacker’s balance. It also creates distance.
- Trap the punch or remove the lapel grab with the “X” block.
- Rotate the attacker’s punching arm trapping the wrist. (RH)
- Back knuckle strike to the attacker’s face. (LH)
- Transfer the attacker’s wrist to the (LH).
- Overhand Right strike to the attacker’s chin. (RH)
- Transfer the attacker’s wrist to the (RH).
- Run your LH under the attacker’s armpit and grasp his/her neck. (LH)
- Spin and Throw the attacker by the neck with Tai-otoshi. (Tai-otoshi)
[End Series]
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