[3.5.0] Section-3 Kaishaku: Counter to a High Front Kick

[3.5.0] Section-3 Kaishaku: Counter to a High Front Kick
[Source:] [Bubishi] [Little Demons Remove Their Boots] [p.178]
Rating: AOKK Preferred Bunkai
Information: This is very similar to an IWKA black belts bunkai, but this did not come from a WIKA source.
Part-1 Attacker: High Front Kicks.
Part-2 Defender: Trap the Kicking Leg and Throw
- Hook the kicking leg with the rear arm if he attempts to kick high.
- Strike with the lead hand to break his/her balance backwards.
Note: If the karateka turns 180° while performing this technique, he/she is spinning and throwing the attacker to the ground.
- After trapping the attacker’s leg spin 180˚ and throw the attacker to the ground. (Sukui-nage) (Leg Throw)
Theory: The key is to apply pressure to the side of the knee. The attacker is on one leg, so their balance is compromised. Spin backwards and they have no balance and will land on their back. This gives you time to make your escape. If you don’t spin the second the leg is trapped, the attacker will lean forward and grab you for support. You must spin like a top and let gravity do the rest.
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