[6.5.1] Section-6 Kaishaku: Counter to a Lapel Grab

[6.5.1] Section-6 Kaishaku: Counter to a Lapel Grab
[Source:] [AOKK Isshin-ryu Black Belt]
Rating: AOKK Preferred Bunkai
Part-1 Attacker Grabs Your Lapels
Part-2 Defender: Trap his/her Grasp
- Rotate your arms over the top of the attacker’s hands while turning backwards into a horse stance to trap his/her hands.
- As your hands are thrown backwards your centerline is lowered pulling the attacker forward breaking their balance.
Note: Get as close to the attacker’s hands as possible as you wrap your arms over their grasp.
Information: The tighter the attacker’s hold the stronger the trap. Your goal is not to remove the attackers grip but to trap their hands. Once you move backwards, into the horse stance, the attacker will be pulled forwards. Their natural reaction is to pull away to free themselves.
Part-2 Attacker: Tries to Pull Backwards
Part-2 Defender: Trap his/her Arms and Ridge Hand Strike
- Once the attacker’s arms are trapped press your (LH) down on top of the attacker’s arms to maintain the trap.
- Drive your forearm into the attacker’s neck or carotid plexus.
- Step behind the attacker and reap their leg throwing the to the ground. (Osoto-gari)
Information: This is a viable self-defense scenario at this point, but most instructors combine it with the twin shutos and (Tai-otoshi)
Opinion: This is a great bunkai to demonstrate on the belligerent student at clamps down on your lapels to prove the move will not work because he/she will not let go making the technique work even better. You may need to strike forcefully to get them to learn backwards to make the throw easier. It also helps to wrap your arm around their neck.
[End Series]