[7.6.0] Section-7 Kaishaku: Counter to a Leg kick and Knee

[7.6.0] Section-7 Kaishaku: Counter to a Leg kick and Knee

[Source:] Isshin-ryu Black-belt

[Rating:] AOKK Preferred Bunkai (2nd)

Information: This bunkai highlights the use of the knee block. In the AOKK we block lower body attacks with legs, and upper-body attacks with arms. It also contains a portion of the section six movements.

Part-1 Attacker: Steps Forward and Grabs your Lapels and Shin Kicks

  • Grab tori’s lapels.
  • Shin kick tori. (LL)

Part-2 Defender: Trap, Spear finger, Crossover Heel Kick

  • Knee Block the shin kick. (RL)
  • High Ridge hand strike to remove the attacker’s grip (LH).

Note: Do this as a distraction even if the attacker does not release their grip.

Part-3 Attacker: Tries to Knee Strike

Part-4 Defender: Uppercut, Elbow, Back-Knuckle

  • Strike the attacker’s thigh stopping the knee strike. (LH).
  • Uppercut to the attacker’s chin. (RH)
  • Elbow strike to the attacker’s chin. (RH)
  • Back knuckle to the bridge of the attacker’s nose. (RH)

[End Series]

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