[8.2.3] Section-8 Kaishaku: Counter to a Lead Hand Punch or Grab

[8.2.3] Section-8 Kaishaku: Counter to a Lead Hand Punch or Grab
[Source:] Unknown Black-belt (Video)
[Rating:] Basic
Part-1 Attacker: Strikes From the Front With a Lead Hand Punch:
Part-2 Defender: Trap Attacker’s Arm and Uppercut
- Block with your forearm and Wrap your arm around the punching hand (LH)
- Uppercut to the chin. (RH)
- Wrap your arm around the attacker’s elbow and place him/her in a Inside Figure-four lock with shoulder tie-off.
- Grasp his shoulder, lapel, or sleeve locking the attacker’s elbow.
- Sweep the attacker’s leg.
Part-2 Defender: Trap Attacker’s Wrist to Remove Grasp
- Trap attacker’s trapping hand (LH)
- Strike to the attacker’s face.
- Wrap your arm around the attacker’s elbow and place him/her in a Inside Figure-four lock with shoulder tie-off.
- Grasp his shoulder, lapel, or sleeve locking the attacker’s elbow.
- Sweep the attacker’s leg.
[End Series]
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