SC2.0 Front Double Lapel Choke (Tsukkomi-jime Variation-1)

SC2.0 Front Double Lapel Choke (Tsukkomi-jime Variation-1)

Warning: Never practice this without a trained AOKK instructor present.


  • Simply grab opponent’s lapels if you’re in the process of grappling. Punch the opponent in the face to keep him/her from noticing your intentions.

Note: Grasp Uke’s collar with your palm thumb down.

Note: Reach as far behind Uke’s collar as you can go for greater leverage.

Note: The opponent, in most cases, will respond to the choke by grasping your arm.

  • Punch the adversary in the solar-plexus and grasp their opposite lapel.
  • Bend your forearms while pulling the lapels into sides of the opponent’s throat.
  • Drop your body weight and pull the adversary forwards maintaining the strangle.
  • Continue to move and pull on the choke or throw the opponent to the ground.

Note: Do not release the choke or give the adversary time to get his/her balance.

Warning: Never go to the ground when facing more than one potential adversary.

Warning: When applying a choke from the front you are vulnerable. Remember while your hands are tied up the opponents are not.  You must use your knees and feet to strike the adversary when attempting this choke, but most important you continue to keep the opponent of balance.

Note: A good secondary technique is Tai-otoshi (Body Drop Throw). This is especially true if the opponent turns his/her shoulders in an effort to escape.

Note: This choke is more viable on the mat, because Uke has nowhere to go if you’re over the hip line.      


First clear your airway. Determine which weapons are free. Eye-gouge, double ear slap, punch to solar-plexus, knee to the groin, rake the shins, thumb strikes under the armpits, and kick. Do not let the attacker break your balance.

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