MO1.3 Basic Mount Technique- [Half Guard]

MO1.3 Basic Mount Technique- [Half Guard]

(Tori’s Training Perspective) This may be the most flexible of all the guarding positions. Originally it was an option to stop your opponent from crossing the hipline, but what was discovered was that it made hip shifting easier. Tori wants to stretch uke out and break his/her base. From this position you can lock-down the opponent by wrapping your arms around uke’s shoulders and making uke hold your weight.

(Uke’s Training Perspective) Uke wants to pass the guard and gain the Top-Position above the hip line. He wants to keep Tori from shifting out of his/her position. Uke also wants to practice striking.



Student-1: (Tori) Back to the tatami in the guarding position with one leg wrapped around one of uke’s legs.

Student-2: (Uke) In student-1’s half-guard.


  • (Tori) Bring one leg over one of uke’s legs, and figure-four the leg.
  • (Tori) Hook your foot under uke’s foot.
  • (Tori) Stretch uke out breaking his/her base.

Note: To lockdown your opponent, to prevent uke from passing the guard, reach under his/her armpits and tie-off to your wrists behind uke’s back. Make uke carry your weight to wear him/her down.

Practice Options
  1. (Tori) Tie-up uke’s hands so he/she cannot strike effectively.
  2. (Tori) Place uke in a submission.
  3. (Tori) Shift your hips to the side and escape to a standing position.
  4. (Tori) Shift your hips trap uke’s arm roll and make a side mount.
  5. (Uke) Strike Tori with punches and elbows.
  6. (Uke) Pass the guard.
  7. (Uke) Maintain your base.
  8. (Uke) Place Tori in a submission technique.

Note: In a life preservation situation, tori can push his/her thumbs into the attacker’s eyes

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