MO3.8 Basic Mount Technique- [Hip Shift Basic Escape #1 Hook and Roll]:
MO3.8 Basic Mount Technique- [Hip Shift Basic Escape #1 Hook and Roll]:
If you’re on the tatami (mat), you can be struck with hands and knees, choked, or leg locked. The most fluid position is the standing position, while the least fluid position is on your back on the ground. There are many methods of slipping out of the guarding position. This is a basic example that demonstrates hip shifting and hooking limbs with a roll to exchange positions with someone in the guard.
Student-1: (Tori) Back to the tatami in the guarding position.
Student- 2: (Uke) In student-1’s guard.
- (Tori) Know which leg uke is pushing or posting with.
- (Tori) Move your arm, on that side, around and under his/her armpit and tie-off.
- (Tori) Wrap your other arm around ukes arm and pull it towards your body. (Collapse His/Her Post)
Note: This prevents his/her posting with that arm as you roll hook the leg opposite of the leg post and pull it towards your body.
- (Tori) Slide the leg closest to uke’s pushing leg and hook, with your foot, inside his/her groin
- (Tori) Push the thigh and leg upwards.
- (Tori) Turn your head and shift your hips towards the leg that uke is pushing with or posting.
- (Tori) Roll out of the guard using uke’s momentum along with your lifting action. You should be in a top- mount position.
Note: If uke’s arms or legs get free he/she can post and end your attempt. You may also need to shift your hips from side to side to confuse uke

Practice Options:
- (Tori) Begin striking and working for a submission once you’re in the top-mount.
- (Tori) If uke prevents you from rolling into the top-mount stand-up and continue the fight from that position.
Note: The student should practice both returning to the sand and rolling into the top mount.
- (Uke) Do not leg tori tie up your arms.
- (Uke) Continue to post and strike with your free hand and develop a submission.