[KS2.0] Basic Mount Technique-[Straight Line Heel Thrust Kick]

[KS2.0] Basic Mount Technique-[Straight Line Heel Thrust Kick]
Entering the third range of personal combat you may find yourself being throw down to the ground or tatami (mat). This does not mean that striking has been eliminated from your arsenal. The heel thrust kick is an incredibly good deterrent. When I was in my forties, I taught a few untrained women this technique and next suited up in body armor to test the results. It is a psychological fact that most women have a stronger lower body than do men. So, I tried to gain the top-mount, from a standing position, to show that a trained opponent could overcome this tactic without a great deal of practice. She caught me perfectly in the solar plexus. Even with the body armor, I was hurt. Then she continued to batter me with her legs pumping like pistons until I was able to escape. I learned never underestimate an opponent, but unfortunately, she left that training believing that she had mastered the technique. The proper attack would have been to slap her legs together and make a side mount. What I’m saying is this will work against an untrained adversary but may easily be overcome by someone with training. There is a ground fighting jujitsu drill to enhance the student’s ability with this technique.
- Student lies on his/her back.
- Bring one knee up for support placing one foot on the ground.
- Raise the second foot off the floor.
- Execute a straight heel thrust each time the lead instructor kiai.
Note: The striking part of the foot is the heel. This is an extraordinarily strong bone and can place a great deal of force into a compact area. The AOKK student has practiced this kick from the beginning of their training.
Target Area:
Targeting the strike is of the upmost importance.
- Face
- Ribs
- Thigh
- Bladder
- Solar Plexus
Note: To keep the attacker from jumping into the mount, drive the heels into the thighs and knees of the attacker. You may need to spin on your back to keep the attacker in front of you. If they’re well trained, they too will target your legs with shin kicks.