MO3.12 Basic Mount Technique- [The Bridge with Hook and Roll]

MO3.12 Basic Mount Technique- [The Bridge with Hook and Roll]
The bridge is a basic wrestling move, but it has become integrated into jujitsu. It is most applicable when your opponent is above your hip line. Bridging is not enough, to remove your opponent from the top or full mount. It must be accompanied with the hook and roll technique. You need to strengthen your neck to perform the hook and roll properly. You must also practice hip shifting to be able to roll the opponent. Remember, when your adversary is above hip line you are in trouble. you cannot allow your opponent to post using an arm or leg. If they try to post, pull the limb in close to your body before attempting the roll.
Student-1: (Tori) Back to the tatami in the guarding position.
Student-2: (Uke) Top mount above student -1’s hipline.
- (Tori) Wrap your arms around uke’s neck or back.
- (Tori) Arch your back and pull uke forwards.
Note: Use you your legs and pivot on your neck to create distance between you and uke.
Note: Uke should use his/her hands to post and stop the forwards motion. This can end their ability to punch you while you’re on your back, but it is only temporary.
- (Tori) Hook one of uke’s legs with your leg.
- (Tori) Grasp the arm on the same side as the leg you’ve hooked.
- (Tori) Pull the arm across your body.
- (Tori) Shift your hips in the opposite direction of the hooked leg and trapped arm.
Note: Pull in the direction of your hips on uke’s leg and arm.
- (Tori) Roll uke until you’re in his/her full guard position.
Practice Options:
(Tori) Experiment with striking, passing the guard, and submission techniques