[T3.04] Kosoto-gari: Variation-1 (Minor Outer Reaping with Under-Hook)

[T3.04] Kosoto-gari: Variation-1 (Minor Outer Reaping with Under-Hook)
Translation: (ko) Minor, (soto) outer, (gari) Reaping
To Sweep uke’s front leg you can use an under-hook to pull him/her onto one leg. This variation is to show the student there are different grips that can be applied still making the throw is viable. The close quarters of the under-hook will cause your opponent to drag you down to the ground. This grip works when the adversary is not wearing a coat or uniform top.
Warning: Do not attempt these techniques without a qualified AOKK instructor’s supervision.
AOKK Category:
- Reaps
Opening Technique:
This technique works when in close quarters and the adversary is trying to pin your arms, so they can limit your ability to punch. This is most effective against a boxer who wants to tie you up.
- Pull down on ukes wrist, sleeve, or arm (LH) while under hooking uke’s armpit with your (RH).
Note: This can also be accomplished by grasping uke’s collar. The key is to pull one shoulder down while lifting the other while rotating uke’s upper body. The under hook us easier for some to lift lift the opponent’s shoulder.
- Lift uke’s upper body and rotate his/her shoulders
- Pull uke’s weight onto one leg while stepping to the side of uke’s foot
- Sweep his/her foot with the bottom of your foot and drive uke to the tatami (mat).
Note: It is imperative that you pull down on uke’s right shoulder while pushing up on his left. The majority of the technique is made with your upper-body. Once the majority of uke’s weight is on one leg and they’ve lifted the other foot they can be thrown more easily.
Note: Try to land on the adversary when the fall is complete.
Warning: Never go to the ground if there are multiple opponents.
Note: If you choose to follow uke to the mat strike with punches, open hand strikes, head butts, knees, and elbows. This is followed by an arm-bar, or you can simply remain standing and walk away. In sport you may choose to apply a choke or lock the opponent to gain a submission.
Warning: If you remain standing and kick to the attacker’s head he/she can be permanently injured or die and you may face prosecution. At minimum you will be involved in a lawsuit due to your use of excessive force.