[T4.00] Morote-gari: (Double Leg Takedown)

[T4.00] Morote-gari: (Double Leg Takedown)
Translation: (Morote) Both-hands, (gari) reap: Double Leg Takedown
This is the most basic throw used by skilled and unskilled attackers. It is a root throw. Every wrestler or football player knows this takedown. It is also one of the first techniques we teach beginning grapplers. It is also a good counter, to an opponent’s throw, by dropping your centerline and wrapping up uke’s legs. This is effective when you try a shoulder throw, and the opponent blocks the technique. You simply turn and drop into Morote-gari or a double-leg takedown.
Warning: Do not attempt these techniques without a qualified AOKK instructor’s supervision.
Warning: Keep Your Head Up (Look at the opponent)
AOKK Category:
- Takedowns
Opening Technique:
A strong one-two combination will get uke thinking about protecting his/her head, and that gives you the opportunity to drop and make the takedown. There are wrestlers that can execute this takedown so quickly they do not need any set-up, but the average student must disguise the throw.
Warning: Improper execution, of this technique, and you can catch a knee to the face or be thrown by your neck. It is also easy for you to be placed in the guillotine choke when shooting in for this takedown. Keep your head up looking at the opponent. Do not look at the ground. This makes application of the guillotine choke more difficult.
Demonstrated Attack:
- Standing Position
- Clinch
Demonstrated Response:
- Push Uke backwards.
- Drop down and wrap your arm around his/her knees.
- Squeeze uke’s knees together.
- Lift the opponent with your legs and drive him/her backwards and down to the tatami (mat).
- Wrap up both uke’s knees right and left.
Warning: Do not place your head on either side of uke’s thighs. If you do, expect to be placed in a guillotine choke
Warning: Never go to the ground if there are multiple opponents.
Note: Follow this technique with an arm-bar, mount above the hips, or simply walk away. If you choose the mount, follow immediately with open hand strikes, closed hand strikes, knee strikes, head butts, and elbow strikes. In sport you may choose to apply a choke or lock the opponent to gain a submission.