AOKK Sleeve and Lapel Grip (Traditional Judo Grip)

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AOKK Sleeve and Lapel (Judo Grip)

This is a common Judo grip used during randori. The Judo grip is difficult to execute in a real confrontation because we do not wear coats or heavy clothing.


It consists of holding uke’s sleeve with one hand and uke’s lapel with the other. If you can get this grip, you can easily move uke. In randori, the competitors will try to keep the opponent from making this grip. After the grip is made, the players will pull and push each other, using the opponent’s clothing, to set up a throw.

There are different ways to grip the sleeve. The first method is the pistol grip. In that method you grasped the bottom of the sleeve and twist it into a handle. Another method is to place your fingers inside the opponent’s sleeve and twist the cloth around your fingers . These methods give you added control. One or both may be illegal in Judo competition.

Warning: Jujitsu is not a sport, so it is more than likely the opponent will be punching and kicking you because there will be a longer distance between fighters when you try to apply this grip. If your adversary tries to apply this grip, you know they’ve had some Judo training, so slap their grip away or use it to bring them close, so that you can apply your favorite grip.

Suggested Throws:

Hane-goshi (Springing Hip), Hari-goshi (Sweeping Hip Throw), Ippon-seoi-nage (One-Arm-Shoulder Throw), Seoi-nage (Shoulder Throw),O-soto-gari (Major-Outside-Reaping), O-uchi-gari (Major Inner Reaping), Uki-waza (Floating Technique), Seoi-otoshi (Shoulder Drop)

Suggested Counter:

Hip check for hip throws and grab obi for a counter throw. Drop on top of uke or step over their legs if it is a sacrifice type throw. Take off your jacket if you know they practice Judo.

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