[T5.05] Yoko-wakare: Variation-2 (Side Separation Throw with Fig-4 Shoulder Lock)

[T5.05] Yoko-wakare: Variation-2 (Side Separation Throw with Fig-4 Shoulder Lock)

Translation: (Yoko) side, (wakare) separation

This technique is most effective when coupled with the elbow lock. Uke grabs your lapel. Execute the elbow lock and press ukes arm against your body. Rotate your shoulders to apply pain to uke’s trapped arm. The moment he/she reacts to the lock change your attack to yoko-wakare. Drop your body weight and throw uke to the side. The moment you hit the tatami; you must move to apply a choke to end the altercation.

Warning: Do not attempt these techniques without a qualified AOKK instructor’s supervision.

  • Yoko-sutemi-waza (Side Sacrifice Throw)
AOKK Category:
  • Sacrifice Throws
Opening Technique:

When the attacker grabs your lapels. Palm strike the chin. Place uke in a figure-four overhead shoulder lock.

Karate Version of Kuzushi:

 Kuzushi in karate throws is different from those of grappling systems. Karate uses locks, chokes, and strikes to assist in breaking the opponent’s balance.  Palm strike the chin breaking the adversary’s balance backwards. Strike down on the opponent’s elbow joint with your (RH). Trap the wrist of the arm being locked (LH) and push it into a figure-four lock. Push the lock backwards while twisting your shoulders. When you step to the side drive your hip into the adversary’s hips in the opposite direction of the throw. As you drop rotate your shoulders and cut the opponent’s feet from under him/her.

Warning: Throwing an opponent with this lock can cause shoulder and elbow injuries.  When practicing the throw release the lock.

  • Push uke backwards with the lock to increase the pain.
  • Once uke reacts to the pain use this lock to make the throw.
  • Step past uke to the side and drop your body weight.

Note: Your hip should hit the side of uke’s knee to break his/her balance as they’re being thrown.

  • Slide down uke’s leg to their feet.
  • As you drop rotate your shoulders counterclockwise, if you’re throwing uke to your left.
  • As you hit the ground cut uke’s feet out from under their body and complete the throw.

Warning: Release this lock before throwing the opponent or they could suffer a shoulder separation.

Note: The straighter you keep your legs, the more you increase body weight. The more body weight the more effective and faster the throw. For better control during practice, you can bend your knees slightly to reduce the body weight effect. .

Warning: Use uke’s collar in practice and not his/her neck to facilitate the throw. This will minimize the possibility of injuring uke’s neck.

  1. Place uke’s arm in a figure-four shoulder lock. The throw is made via this lock.

Warning: Never go to the ground if there are multiple opponents.

Note: Follow this technique with an arm-bar, or mount above the hips. If you choose the mount, follow immediately with open hand strikes, closed hand strikes, knee strikes, head butts and elbow strikes. In sport you may choose to apply a choke or lock to the opponent to gain a submission.        

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