T6.17 Tai-otoshi: (Body Drop with One Knee)

T6.17 Tai-ototshi: (Body Drop with One Knee)

Translation: (Tai) body, (otoshi) drop

Warning: Do not attempt these techniques without a qualified AOKK instructor’s supervision.

  • Te-Waza (Hand Technique)

This is another tai-otoshi variation. Dropping your body centerline and driving your leg backwards creates the trip with the added momentum of pulling uke off his/her feet by dropping your body weight.

Opening Technique:

Push uke backwards until he/she pushes back. When uke pushes forwards pull uke so most of his/her weight is on one leg. 


    Demonstrated Attack:

  1. Clinch

   Demonstrated Response:

  • Yank uke out of his socks. Next push uke’s lead arm upwards (LH).
  • As you drop to one knee, snap uke’s lead arm downward while pushing their shoulder with your other hand twisting their upper-body counterclockwise.
  • Extend your leg like tai-otoshi and throw the attacker over your extended leg.

Note: This throw is mainly made with your upper body and uke’s momentum. Try to pull uke’s collar over the hand that is gripping the sleeve as you’re moving backwards and down to one knee.

  1. The traditional judo grip is left hand on uke’s right sleeve/wrist and your right hand on uke’s left lapel. Remember to bend your elbow to lift uke and pull him/her in tight.

Note: This throw can also be performed using a joint lock.

Warning: It is dangerous to turn your back on the opponent.

Warning: Bend the knee that is being used for the trip slightly to prevent the knee from being hyperextended.

Warning: Never go to the ground if there are multiple opponents.

Note: Follow this technique with an arm-bar, mount above the hips, or simply walk away. If you choose the mount, follow immediately with open hand strikes, closed hand strikes, and elbow strikes. In sport you may choose to apply a choke or lock the opponent to gain a submission.    


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