[T7.01] Ippon Seoi-nage: Variation-1 (Elbow Lock Shoulder Throw) (Pump Handle Armbar)

[T7.01] Ippon Seoi-nage: Variation-1 (Elbow Lock Shoulder Throw) 

Translation: (Ippon) one, (seoi) shoulder, (nage) throw

This is also known as the Pump Handle Seoi-nage. Again, it is not advisable to turn your back on a opponent, but if you can move quickly enough and place your adversary in a pump handle arm bar this is the next step to finishing the series of jujitsu techniques tha move you from range two to range three.

Warning: Do not attempt these techniques without a qualified AOKK instructor’s supervision.

Judo Category:
  • Te-Waza (hand technique)
AOKK Category:
  • Shoulder & Back Throws
Opening Technique:

To make this throw effective you must control one of uke’s wrists. You can trap uke’s hand if he/she grasps a lapel. The key is you must strike or kick the opponent to turn under his/her arm and complete the throw. You cannot simply twist someone’s arm to engage in this throw you must strike them first. In this moment of distraction, you can slide in for the throw. Remember the elbow must be pointing downward over your, so the joint can be hyper extended. The opponent’s natural reflex will be to bend the elbow and place you in a choke. If this happens, aloe the adversary to bend he elbow and continue the throw.

Warning: It is never a good idea to turn your back to an opponent.

  • Grip uke’s wrist with one hand and strike uke with the other.
  • Twist uke’s arm until the elbow is pointing downward.
  • Turn your body 180° degrees driving your hips into uke’s waist.

Note: Your feet should be between uke’s.

  • Load uke on your back while pulling down hyperextending the elbow joint.
  • Drop your shoulders and throw uke forwards.
  1. The traditional judo grip is left hand on uke’s right sleeve and your right hand on uke’s left lapel. Remember to bend your elbow to lift uke and pull him/her in tight.

Note: This throw is what differentiates arts like jujitsu and Judo. Judo will not use a joint lock to facilitate a throw, but in jujitsu this is a common practice.

Warning: It is always risky when practicing this technique. Allow uke to turn and bend his/her elbow before throwing them.

Warning: Never go to the ground if there are multiple opponents.

Note: Follow this technique with an arm-bar, mount above the hips, or simply walk away. If you choose the mount, follow immediately with open hand strikes, closed hand strikes, and elbow strikes. In sport you may choose to apply a choke or lock the opponent to gain a submission.   

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