[T7.02] Ippon-seoi-nage: Variation-2 (Rear Choke Counter Shoulder Throw)

[T7.02] Ippon-seoi-nage: Var-2 (Rear Choke Counter Shoulder Thrw) 

Translation: (Ippon) one, (seoi) shoulder, (nage) throw

This is a purely defensive use of ippon-seoi-nage. The first thing to remember is to clear your airway. In other words, get your hands under or on top of the attacker’s arm before they can tighten it. Grasp the arm and execute the throw. If you’re pulled over in the effort, tuck your chin, and try to land on top of the attacker. Your weight coupled with the impact of the ground may cause the attacker to release his/her choke. It’s a good chance they’re not expecting this technique.

Warning: Do not attempt these techniques without a qualified AOKK instructor’s supervision.

Judo Category:
  • Te-Waza (hand technique)
AOKK Category:
  • Shoulder & Back Throws
Opening Technique:

The opponent has placed you in a standing rear choke.

  • Strike backwards with a head-butt to create distance.
  • Place your hands under the attacker’s forearm if possible.

Note:  If you cannot get your hands under the arm, then you must go over and grasp the attacker’s forearm.

  • Strike backwards with your hips to break uke’s balance forward.
  • Load uke on your back while pulling down on his/her forearm.
  • Drop your shoulders and throw uke forwards.

Note: If uke pulls you over, go with the roll, and land on him/her with all of your body weight.

  1. The traditional judo grip is left hand on uke’s right sleeve and your right hand on uke’s left lapel. Remember to bend your elbow to lift uke and pull him/her in tight.

Warning: If your neck is twisted or locked do not attempt this throw. This could cause serious neck trauma.

Warning: Never go to the ground if there are multiple opponents.

Note: Landing in this position is not good if uke can maintain the choke. Chances are he/she cannot, but you must be ready to fight out of this position if uke can maintain their grip.    

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