[T7.03] Seoi-nage: Shoulder Throw

[T7.05] Seoi-nage: Shoulder Throw
(Seoi) soulder (naga) throw
This is the traditional shoulder throw. It utilizes the opponent’s clothing. This is not a favored AOKK throw, but the karateka should be aware of this technique. We teach this throw with a variation. It can also be performed without tying off to the clothing. Simply drive the forearm under the opponent’s armpit and use the elbow as the pivot point.
The mechanics of this throw are very similar to Ippon-seoi-nage. Ippon seoi-nage is not a favored AOKK throw, but the student should be aware of this technique also. A few students may find Seoi-nage and Ippon seoi-nage viable throwing technies. The importance of Ippon seoi-nage is that it builds a foundation for Seoi-otoshi.
The reason these throws are not favored AOKK throws is that the karateka must turn his/her back to the attacker to facilitate the throw. This opens-up the spine, kidneys, and back of the neck to attack. These are all vulnerable centerline targets.
Warning: Do not attempt these techniques without a qualified AOKK instructor’s supervision.
Judo Category:
- Te-Waza (hand technique)
AOKK Category:
- Shoulder & Back Throws
Technical Information:
Traditional Throwing Method: Break the opponent’s balance to the right-front-corner by pulling on the attacker’s right-hand with your left-hand. Grasp uke’s lapel with your right hand and push backwards on his/her shoulder. Step into musubi-dachi between the opponent’s legs while rolling your right elbow under the attacker’s armpit and across uke’s chest. Bend your knees and strike the opponent with your buttocks, as you’re turning, breaking their balance. Pull the opponent up on your back with your left arm while lifting him/her with your right arm. Straighten your legs while bending forwards to throw the opponent over your shoulder. Uke should fall in front of you.
Karate Throwing Method: This throw can be made after you’ve blocked and stepped inside the attacker’s right-hand punch. Grasp their lapels with your right-hand and deliver a head-butt. Push backwards on the attacker’s shoulder. Turn counterclockwise into musubi-dachi stepping between the opponent’s legs while rolling your right elbow under the attacker’s armpit and across uke’s chest. Bend your knees and strike the opponent with your buttocks, as you’re turning, breaking their balance. Pull the opponent up on your back with your left arm while lifting him/her with your right arm. Straighten your legs while bending forwards to throw the opponent over your shoulder. Uke should fall in front of you.
Note: It is never a good idea to turn your back on the attacker, but if you’ve tied the attacker up you must turn and throw them before they can react.
Opening Technique:
You are in a clinch.
- Grasp uke’s lapel or substantial portion of cloth with your (RH).
- Grasp the attacker’s wrist/sleeve with your (LH).
- Pull uke towards you and down until he/she pulls backwards. (Kuzushi: Break their balance)
- When uke pulls backwards push forwards, lift uke’s arm upwards with your (LH).
- Maintain your grip on uke’s clothing RH and lift uke up on his/her toes.
Note: Press your elbow into uke’s chest for leverage.
- Turn 180° degrees driving your hips into uke’s waist.
- Place you left elbow under uke’s raised armpit while maintain your grip on his/her clothing. (RH)
- Your feet should be between uke’s initially.
- Load uke on your back.
- Pull uke’s arm across our body.
- Drop your shoulder while stepping forwards to throw uke forwards.
- The grip is one hand on uke’s wrist and your other hand uke’s lapel.
Warning: Never go to the ground if there are multiple opponents