[T8.01] Hane-goshi: Variation-1 (Springing Throw Backwards)

[T8.01] Hane-goshi: Variation (Springing Throw Backwards) [3rd kyu]

Translation: (Hane) spring, (goshi) hip

This variation is Hane-goshi with a twist. In the original version uke is pulled over your hip and thrown forwards. In this version you step behind uke and throw them backwards.

Warning: Do not attempt these techniques without a qualified AOKK instructor’s supervision.

AOKK Category:
  • Hip Throws
Opening Technique:

This throw also comes after the grappling or clinch begins. It is never a good idea to turn your back to attacker. In this variation you step around and behind uke and then deliver the throw with the hip and leg.

  • Pull uke close and grasp their clothing close to the armpit area (LH).
  • Grasp the back of uke’s collar (RH). Pull uke so that his/her weight is on their right leg.
  • Step past them until your hip is behind uke’s.
  • As you pull with your left hand, push and lift with your right hand. This motion will push uke backwards and place his/her body weight on their right leg.
  • The throw is made by lifting with your left hip and left leg.
  • Try and bend your knee slightly to create a platform.

Note: If performed correctly, uke will have both feet off the tatami (mat) before being throw over your hip.

  • Throw uke over your hip.

Note: The opponent should land in front of you after going over your hip.

Note: If you’re still controlling uke’s arm after the throw, you can kick them in vital areas while controlling their movement.

Note: The difference between Hane-goshi and Uchi-mata is Hane-goshi reaps both legs and Uchi-mata reaps one inside leg. They look very similar.

Warning: Never go to the ground if there are multiple opponents.

Note: Follow this technique with an arm-bar, mount above the hips, or simply walk away. If you choose the mount, follow immediately with open hand strikes, closed hand strikes, and elbow strikes. In sport you may choose to apply a choke or lock the opponent to gain a submission.    

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