[T8.02] Sweeping Hip Throw: (Harai) sweeping, (goshi) hip:

[T8.02] Sweeping Hip Throw:
(Harai) sweeping, (goshi) hip:
This throw can be performed by pushing and pulling uke until they commit their momentum forwards, but it can also be used when you intercept uke’s punch and use his/her momentum to complete the throw. Pulling uke onto your hip is all upper-body mechanics. It is important that the driving of the hip backwards be integrated into the upper-body motion, so it flows as if it were one action.
Warning: Do not attempt these techniques without a qualified AOKK instructor’s supervision.
Judo Category:
- Koshi-Waza (Hip Technique)
AOKK Category:
- Hip Throws
Opening Technique:
This normally performed from a clinch. When you’re in range two, the full force of a blow is diminished. Some fighters will try to tie up your arms so they cannot be struck. At this point, start driving your knees into the adversary. Once they begin to react to the knee strikes execute the throw.
Note: Tie up your opponents rams so they cannot strike you or counter your throw.
Note: This throw is categorized as a hip throw, but the upper-body mechanics must be in place for this throw to be accomplished.
Note: In jujitsu training we try to always teach the throw form the point of grappling. Uke should still be compliant when practicing, but this throw becomes more difficult when one starts from an in-place grappling position.
- Break uke’s balance forwards.
- Grasp uke’s sleeve or wrist (LH) and pull him/her until their weight is on one leg.
- Grasp the collar, lapel, or even the obi with the (RH) to facilitate the throw.
- Pull uke to the right and up on your hip.
- Sweep both of uke’s legs throwing him/her over your hip.
Note: Uke should land in front of you.
- Control the arm and kick uke in vital target areas after he/she hits the ground.
- You can grasp the back of the collar (RH) and sleeve/wrist (LH).
- You can grasp the lapel with the (RH) and sleeve/wrist (LH).
- You can grasp the obi (RH) and the sleeve/wrist (LH).
- You can under-hook uke’s armpit (RH) and the sleeve/wrist (LH).
Note: Pull uke’s chest tight against your back. This sweep is made in a strong circular motion. If uke has too much room, he/she can hip check you throw and counter throw.
Warning: Never go to the ground if there are multiple opponents.
Note: Follow this technique with an arm-bar, mount above the hips, or simply walk away. If you choose the mount, follow immediately with open hand strikes, closed hand strikes, and elbow strikes. In sport you may choose to apply a choke or lock the opponent to gain a submission.