[2.2.6] Seisan Section-2 Bunkai: Counter to a Reverse Punch

[2.2.6] Seisan Section-2 Bunkai: Counter to a Reverse Punch

[Source:] AOKK Isshin-ryu Black Belt

[Rating:] Difficult

Part-1 Attacker: Reverse Punches
  • Attacker steps forward and reverse punches to the middle.
Part-2 Defender: Blocks, Break Attacker’s Balance and Throws attacker
  • Parry-block the opponent’s punch (RH).
  • Middle Block and grasp the Attacker’s wrist. (LH)
  • Grasp the attacker’s shoulder or lapel.  (RH).
  • Pull the attacker Wrist to your hip. (LH).
  • Push the opposite shoulder backwards. (RH).

Note: This is to break the attacker’s balance to set up a throw. It is not a punch.

  • Step behind the attacker and execute Osoto-otoshi.

Note: This is the bunkai taught to advanced students.

Rule: A punch is not always a punch in kata interpretation.

Comment: This is a good example of differing interpretations of what appears to be punch. Throws have always been part of karate. There is a reason the hand is placed upon the hip.

[End Series]

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