[5.5.0] Seisan Section-5 Bunkai: Counter to a Front Kick

[5.5.0] Section-5 Kaishaku: Counter to a Front Kick

[Source:] Goju-ryu Black-belt (Photo of Technique)

[Rating:] AOKK Preferred Bunkai

Part-1 Attacker: Front Kicks

Part-2 Defender: Grabs Attacker’s kick

  • Step inside the attacker’s front kick.
  • Grab the attacker’s leg, or pant leg. (LH)
  • Wrap your arm around the attacker’s leg or pin it to your hip. (LH)

Note: If possible, pull the attacker’s leg behind you breaking their balance.

Information: The lower hand in the Isshin-ryu kata’s movement moves behind your hips. This symbolizes pulling the trapped leg backwards. This was a change to the form made by Shimabuku sensei. It is not in the original form taught by Miyagi sensei.

Part-3 Attacker Grabs Your Shoulder (to increase his/her balance)

Part-4 Defender: Ridge-Hand to Remove Grasp

  • Outside ridge hand block to break their grip and once again destabilize their balance. It does not matter which hand they use to regain their balance. (RH)

Part-5 Defender: Tiger Mouth Strike and Takedown

  • This block is followed by a tiger mouth strike to the attacker’s throat or palm heel strike the chin. (RH)
  • Roll the hand over and close the tiger mouth strike to the throat and crush the throat. Pull back on the tiger’s mouth strike. When you do this, the attacker will naturally grab your wrist and to get you to release your grip. (RH)

Hidden Technique: Hook the attacker’s front leg with your lead leg and pull backwards slightly. When you feel the attacker pull backwards, push with the tiger’s mouth forward until the attacker falls backwards. (Sukui-nage)


Note: Trapping the leg on the inside can get your ribs damaged.

Note: This grasp of the leg can be to the ligaments of the knee also.

Note: Pull up on the trapped leg as you push with the tiger’s mouth technique backwards and down.

Theory: When the opponent is on one leg they can be thrown in any direction. Push and they can be thrown backwards. Rotate your hips and they can be thrown sideways.

Theory: This is the most powerful technique in the kata. In this application different levels of trauma can be inflicted upon an attacker. Skull fracture to simple brain trauma can occur by dropping the attacker on the back of his/her head as you throw them to the ground.

Warning: Do not teach this interpretation of technique to minors.

Information: A very famous picture of Miyagi Chojun shows him delivering this technique. The picture shows him holding the opponent’s heel with his palm turned outward.

Hidden Technique: In the picture, of the young Miyagi, after trapping the attacker’s kick, he delivers a snap kick of his own to the attacker’s groin. This implies that you can add a kick or a knee strike to the bunkai once the attacker is on one leg.

Hidden Technique: Throw the attacker backwards and direct the back of the attacker’s head to the ground in a life and death situation only.

[End Series]

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