[7.1.0] Seiunchin Section-7 Bunkai: Counter to Bear Hug from Behind

[7.1.0] Seiunchin Section-7 Bunkai: Counter to Bear Hug from Behind

[Source:] UIKA Isshin-ryu Black-belt

[Rating:] Basic

Information: This bunkai is against an attack from behind.
Part-1  Attacker: Bear Hugs from Behind
Part-2 Defender:  Strikes with Buttocks and Elbow
  • Pull back into a Cat Stance and strike with the Buttocks and Point of the Elbow. (LH)

Note: The front elbow breaks their grip while the rear elbow strikes ribs or solar plexus.

Information: This can also be followed by a shoulder throw. The throw is hidden technique not shown in the kata.


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