[7.2.0] Seiunchin Section-7 Bunkai: Counter to a Reach for a Grab

[7.2.0] Seiunchin Section-7 Bunkai: Counter to a Reach for a Grab

[Source:] AOKK Isshin-ryu Black-belt

[Rating:] AOKK Preferred Bunkai
Information: This technique sen-no-sen. 
  1. Go-no-sen: The attacker strikes, and you block and the counter.
  2. Sen-no-sen: Is when you meet the attacker as he/she begin their assault. (Simultaneous technique is most often sen-no-sen.)
  3. Sen Sen-no-sen: Is when you preempt the attack. When the attacker moves any part of their body in your direction, you counterattack. It may appear the you struck first, so be careful. 
Part-1 Attacker: Reaches for Your Lapels


Part-2 Defender: Elbow Strikes Solar Plexus
  • Grasp attacker’s wrist (belt) and pull him/her forward (RH) as you pull back into the cat-stance.
  • Elbow strike with point of elbow to attacker’s solar plexus (LH).

[End Series]

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