[T10.04] Hiza-guruma: (Knee Wheel Throw)

[T10.04] Hiza-guruma: (Knee Wheel Throw)
Translation: (Hiza) Knee, (guruma) wheel
This is one of the minor throws that will not work well with a skilled practitioner, but it will suffice with an unskilled opponent. This technique is used when you’re simply pushing and pulling trying gain an advantage. It is also effective if the opponent overcommits with a circular punch or a kick. The key to this technique is to get the opponent to commit with his/her movement. This is not an AOKK preferred throw.
Warning: Do not attempt these techniques without a qualified AOKK instructor’s supervision.
AOKK Category:
- Sweep
Opening Technique:
This throw can be executed from the clinch by pushing and pulling your opponent. It can also work as a defense of a roundhouse (circular) punch. You must be skilled at simultaneously blocking, striking, and trapping.
- Block and trap the punch (LH). Palm strike uke’s shoulder (RH) and grab his/her clothing. Your palm strike stops the opponent’s second blow and allows to grasp his/her clothing for control.
- Pull uke to your left, so his/her weight is on that side.
- Pull down on uke’s right arm with your left and push his/her left backwards twisting their upper torso CCW.
- Crossover heel kick uke’s knee and keep your weight on uke’s right knee with your left foot.
Note: His/her knee becomes the fulcrum.
- Continue to twist uke’s shoulders and throw them to the side.
Note: If uke’s back foot touches the tatami (ground) this throw will not work.
Warning: You are at a disadvantage the moment your standing on one foot because your balance can be broken in any direction, so it is vital that you torque uke’s shoulders so that he places his/her weight on one leg while you’re pulling him/her forwards. This technique takes a great deal of balance and upper-body strength.
Note: If you’re in a crowded room try and throw the opponent into a fixed object to increase the damage from the impact.
Warning: Never go to the ground if there are multiple opponents.
Note: Follow this technique with an arm-bar, mount above the hips, or simply walk away. If you choose the mount, follow immediately with open hand strikes, closed hand strikes, and elbow strikes. In sport you may choose to apply a choke or lock the opponent to gain a submission.