[T10.08] O-guruma: (Major Wheel)

[T10.08] O-guruma: (Major Wheel)
Translation: (O) major, (Guruma) wheel:
This throw is applicable from close quarters in range two where you’re struggling for an opening. It can also be used if uke’s punch has been trapped because uke’s forward momentum should aid the throw. Remember, it is a bad idea to turn your back on an opponent if you do not control their hands.
Warning: Do not attempt these techniques without a qualified AOKK instructor’s supervision.
AOKK Category:
- Reap
Opening Technique:
Punch the opponent in the face. Grasp uke’s wrist and collar while in the clinch. Push uke backwards until they counter and push forwards. Quickly turn and place your leg in front of uke’s legs above the knees. Try to tie his/her hands up so you can set-up the throw.
- Grasp uke’s wrist and neck or collar.
- Pull him/her onto their front leg.
- Turn 180° pulling on uke’s wrist and lifting with the collar.
- Place your right leg on uke’s abdomen as you turn and slide it backwards and straight.
Note: You might want to hook the leg around uke’s for better control.
- Continue the circular motion pulling uke over your extended leg.
- Uke should land on his/her back.
Note: If uke lands in front of you, it may be prudent to heel-thrust kick him/her in the face while controlling their arm.
Note: If you’re in a crowded room try and throw the opponent into a fixed object to increase the damage from the impact.
Warning: Never go to the ground if there are multiple opponents.
Note: Follow this technique with an arm-bar, mount above the hips, or simply walk away. If you choose the mount, follow immediately with open hand strikes, closed hand strikes, and elbow strikes. In sport you may choose to apply a choke or lock the opponent to gain a submission.