[T12.00] Uchi-mata (Inner Thigh Throw)

[T12.00] Uchi-mata: Inner Thigh Throw:
(Uchi-mata) inner thigh throw:
This is a highly effective throw, but you’re still turning you back to the opponent. In practice there is a lot of stepping to set-up the throw, but in combat the movement must be at a minimum. If Uke’s legs are close together, you may need to hit him/her with a few ankles strikes to widen their stance. This is a popular throw, but it is not a preferred AOKK technique because you must turn your back to the opponent to deliver it.
Warning: Do not attempt these techniques without a qualified AOKK instructor’s supervision.
Judo Category:
- Ashi-waza (leg and foot technique)
AOKK Category:
- Hip Throw
Opening Technique:
This is a close quarter technique. Entry is made by tying up uke’s arms until you’re in a clinch. Begin by striking the insides of ukes’ legs until there is enough to shoot your leg between the opponent’s legs. As you’re striking uke’s legs pull him/her forwards and backwards.
- Break uke’s balance forwards.
- Grip a sleeve and a lapel.
- Lift uke’s sleeve arm and look at the back of your wrist.
- Turn your head. Push upwards with the lapel hand and forwards.
- Step first with the reaping leg.
- Tori’s right leg steps to Uke’s right foot.
- Turn 180° and plant your support foot between uke’s legs.
Note: Both of your legs must end up between uke’s legs.
- Break uke’s balance by driving backwards with your hips.
- Point the toes of the reaping leg downward and swing it backwards while pulling uke forwards over and down across your hip.
- The traditional judo grip is left hand on uke’s right sleeve and your right hand on uke’s left lapel. Remember to bend your left elbow to lift uke and pull him/her in tight. (Demonstrated in Pictures)
- You can also use and under hook. Hook your right arm under uke’s left armpit. Grip uke’s right sleeve or wrist with your left hand.
- You can also reach around uke’s head and neck with your right hand. This should be some type of headlock while pulling with your left hand. You can throw uke via the head.
Warning: Release the headlock and grasp uke’s collar before attempting the throw during practice.
Note: Using the head to facilitate this throw will mean sending you to the ground also.
Note: Many fighters will step back and then quickly move forwards while turning into uchi-mata. Next, they reap with the leg that stepped back the furthest. This is done to get momentum in the reaping leg. The problem is that it telegraphs the technique making it easier to counter.
Note: The difference between Hane-goshi and Uchi-mata is Hane-goshi reaps both legs and Uchi-mata reaps one inside leg. They look very similar. Note Tori’s reaping foot position.
Warning: Uke must know how to fall with a forward roll or he/she may be injured.