[T13.01] Ura-nage: (Face Forward Suplex)

[T13.01] Ura-nage: (Face Forward Suplex)
Translation: (Ura), (Nage) throw
Many unskilled attackers will charge you and grab you in an effort to sling you to the ground. Skilled fighters will try to Supplex you. Large strong fighters will simply squeeze the air from your lungs. This is a timing technique and is closely related to Morote-gari or the double-leg takedown.
Warning: Do not attempt these techniques without a qualified AOKK instructor’s supervision.
AOKK Category:
- Dumping Throw
Opening Technique:
As the attacker reaches from the front, to grasp and control your movement, drop your body weight to make picking you up difficult. Wrap your arms around the attacker’s waist or thighs and execute the throw.
Note: Lift with your legs.
Note: This is similar to the wrestling Supplex which can be a devastating. The difference between this throw and Morote-gari (double leg Takedown) is this technique starts with a grip at the waist or thighs and not solely the knees.
- Reach around the opponent’s waist while in a crouch and tie-off to your arms or uke’s clothing.
- Lift with your legs arch your back while turning and dropping the attacker on his/her back
Note: The adversary can be dropped on his/her head by throwing them backwards over your shoulders.
Note: In grappling you would try to get behind uke and dump him/her backwards over your shoulder. In Ura-nage we grasp uke at the waist or thighs and lift him/her off the ground. Arch your back and twist directing them towards the tatami (mat).
Note: Land on top of the opponent with your body weight.
- Wrap both arms around uke’s waist, thighs, or knees.
Warning: This is a dangerous throw. Be very careful in practicing this technique because if your opponent lands on their neck or head injury could occur.
Warning: Never go to the ground if there are multiple opponents.
Note: Follow this technique with strikes and then an arm-bar, mount above the hips, or simply walk away. If you choose the mount, follow immediately with open hand strikes, closed hand strikes, and elbow strikes. In sport you may choose to apply a choke or lock the opponent to gain a submission.