[T14.00] Kawazu-gake: (Minor Inside Hook)

[T14.00] Kawazu-gake: (Minor Inside Hook)
Translation: (Kawazu), (gake) hook
This is a counter throw. Before being thrown, you can wrap your leg around the opponent’s leg and inhibit the throw while setting up a counterattack. Leg entanglement can lead to ankle or knee injury, but in a real altercation anything goes. This is not a preferred AOKK technique, but it is one with which the student must be familiar. This will not work if the attacker has forwards momentum. You must make your move while both participants are in a neutral position.
Warning: Do not attempt these techniques without a qualified AOKK instructor’s supervision.
Warning: This is an extremely dangerous technique because you risk knee and ankle injury.
AOKK Category:
- Leg Throw
Opening Technique:
If you can get your hips past the opponent’s, you can stop most throws. If they attempt a counter throw or try to throw you with Tai-otohi, wrap your foot behind the attacker’s knee and take them backwards and down to the ground.
- This throw starts with both combatants facing each other.
- Grip the opponent’s wrist and grasp his/her collar.
- Turn backwards driving your lead hip into the attacker.
- Once you’re facing the same direction as the opponent, shoot your heel backwards between his/hers.
- Wrap your leg and foot around their leg.
- Push backwards with your support leg and pull their intwined leg upwards while dropping your weight backwards towards the tatami.
Note: This is a leg entwining throw. This throw can transition into a leg, knee, or ankle lock if uke is rolled forwards and not thrown backwards.
- The traditional judo grip is left hand on uke’s right sleeve and your right hand on uke’s left lapel. Remember to bend your elbow to lift uke and pull him/her in tight.
Warning: Entangling leg throws place a lot of pressure on the knee joint. Sport Judo has made this an illegal technique.
Warning: Never go to the ground if there are multiple opponents.
Note: Follow this technique with an arm-bar, mount above the hips, or simply walk away. If you choose the mount, follow immediately with open hand strikes, closed hand strikes, and elbow strikes. In sport you may choose to apply a choke or lock the opponent to gain a submission