[14.2.0] Chinto Bunkai Section-14: Counter to a Right Hand Punch

[14.2.0] Section-14 Kaishaku: Counter to a Punch (See
[Source:] [Isshin-ryu Black belt] [Old bunkai]
Rating: Basic
Part-1 Attacker: Grabs or punches with his/her right hand.
Part-2 Defender: Middle Shuto Block; Snap Kick
- Middle shuto block and grab arm.
- Strike with your Hammer-fist to the Carotid Plexus.
- Still holding the attacker’s arm, snap kick to the inside of thigh to open his stance and reduce his balance or groin.
Note: This can be used in context with Section-15 if your choose to follow the technique with a takedown.
Note: You can finish the adversary with punches or a submission. You can also make your exit which lends itself to do no more damage than necessary philosophy.
Most bunkai end with the adversary out of commission, but Funakoshi sensei understood that if karate were to survive it needed to become more, so he began karate’s philosophical age. Because of this belief, many kata were altered slightly and end with no devastating technique but rather a means for escape. Early practitioners simply wanted a method to quickly dispatch their adversary. Today we have a mixture of both theories running through the martial arts.
[End Series]

[15.2.0] Chinto Section-15 Bunkai (Counter to a Punch (Cont.14.2.0))
[Source:] [Isshin-ryu Black Belt] [Old bunkai]
Rating: Basic
[Continued from 14.2.0]
Part-3 Defender: Break Balance; Snap Punch
- Still holding the attacker’s arm, pull the attacker’s arm forward and down to the floor by dropping your body weight.
- Vertical snap punch to the attacker’s Solar plexus, as he/she is moving forward and down. This increases the impact of the punch.
Information: The force is increased by the fact the attacker’s body is moving toward you and your fist is moving toward him.