Ne-waza Striking Drill -2 [Elbow, Palm Heel, and One Knuckle Strike]

Ne-waza Striking Drill -2 [Elbow, Palm Heel, and One Knuckle Strike]
When the opponent places you in the guard, striking is not eliminated from the fight. Never stop striking the opponent. One of the most powerful blows is made with your elbows and palm heels. You need to generate power through shoulder rotation.
Warning: Never practice this drill without the supervision of a qualified AOKK instructor.
Warning: Never, purposely follow an attacker to the ground.
- (Uke) has his/her back to the tatami. He/she is holding a striking pad.
Note: It is not a bad practice to have uke wear head and face protection along with body armor.
- (Tori) Student is in the guard or in top or full mount.
- (Tori) Rotate the shoulders right and left driving the elbow into the striking bag simulating the attacker’s head and ribs.
- (Tori) Rotate the shoulders right and left driving the palm heels into the striking bag simulating the attacker’s head and ribs.
- (Tori) Rotate the shoulders right and left driving the one knuckle into the sides of striking bag simulating the attacker’s ribs and temple of the head.
Target Area:
- Front of the striking bag.
- Sides of the striking bag
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