MC1.0 Hadaka-jime [Rear Naked Choke with Grapevine]

MC1.0 Hadaka-jime [Grapevine]
The naked choke gets its name because it uses not part of your or your opponent’s uniform. The grapevine or wrapping your legs around the opponent is used as a method of control. It is also known as a figure-four choke.
Warning: This technique should only be practiced with a qualified AOKK instructor present.
- Place the forearm against the side of Uke’s neck.
- Place the opposite forearm across the front of Uke’s neck.
- Place the palm of the hand, of the arm that is across Uke’s throat, in the bend of the arm along the side of Uke’s head.
- Place the palm of the hand, of the arm running beside Uke’s head on the back of Uke’s head and pull the side of the choking arm against Uke’s throat while pushing Uke’s head forward with the other hand.
- Wrap your legs around Uke’s body.
- Arch your back if you need more pressure.
- Release the choke if uke taps, or the attacker passes out.
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