MC10.0 Single Forearm Choke Counter: [From the Mat]

MC10.0 Single Forearm Choke Counter: [From the Mat]

Warning: This technique should only be practiced with a qualified AOKK instructor present.

The forearm choke is easily countered. Simply apply the wrist-elbow lock. This is a suitable counter. You can also punch or palm-heel strike to the opponent’s chin. When uke pulls backwards, apply the hook and roll defense.

  • Trap the opponent’s elbow with one arm. Bend uke’s wrist with the other.

Note: If bending the wrist in one direction does not work bend it in the other direction. Even bending and twisting it may help. Some people are more flexible than others. 

  • Push the elbow towards the bent wrist and bent wrist towards the elbow.
  • Release the choke if uke taps, or the attacker passes out.

Note: This is more of a holding technique than a scenario ending technique.

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