MC15.0 Sode-guruma-jime (Sleeve Choke from Top Mount)

MC15.0 Sode-guruma-jime (Sleeve Choke from Top Mount)

This technique can be done from behind as-well-as from the top mount. This technique requires that you are wearing a uniform top, but your opponent does not need to be in uniform.  As far as self-defense this technique can only be utilized if you’re wearing a long sleeve shirt with the cuffs unbuttoned.

Warning: This technique should only be practiced with a qualified AOKK instructor present.

A. [Top or Side Mount]
  • Uke tries to place you in the guard.
  • Act like you’re going to pass the guard but keep one leg between uke’s legs and one to the side or pinning uke’s leg.
  • Slide forearm behind uke’s neck.

Note: The thumb should be pointing upwards so the edge of the forearm can be used as a lever.

  • Grip the sleeve of the free arm.
  • Slide the free arm across the front of uke’s throat and tie-off to the opposite sleeve.
  • Release the choke if uke taps, or the attacker passes out.
B. [Guarding Position]

This technique from the bottom is most effective. I’ve seen it work in several tournaments. This technique requires that you are wearing a uniform top, but your opponent does not need to be in uniform.  As far as self-defense this technique can only be utilized if you’re wearing a long sleeve shirt with the cuffs unbuttoned.

Warning: This technique should only be practiced with a qualified AOKK instructor present.

  • Place uke in the guard.
  • Pull down on uke’s head.

Note: Shake your sleeves open.

  • Slide forearm behind uke’s neck.
  • Grip the sleeve of the free arm with the hand on the arm that is running behind uke’s neck.
  • Slide the free arm across the front of uke’s throat and tie-off to the opposite sleeve.
  • Release the choke if uke taps, or the attacker passes
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