MC16.0 Tsukkomi-jime (Lapel Strangle)

MC16.0 Tsukkomi-jime (Lapel Strangle)

This throw can also be used to facilitate a throw from the standing position. This choke is effective if the opponent is wearing a judogi or dress shirt. It is also one of the traditional chokes.

Warning: This technique should only be practiced with a qualified AOKK instructor present.

  • Uke places you in the guard.
  • Open up his/her uniform top by pulling the lapels apart.
  • Grasp one lapel close to uke’s throat and pull the lapel across their throat.
  • Gasp the other lapel lower and pull that lapel backwards while pushing the other lapel forwards to strangle the opponent by his/her lapels.
  • Release the choke if uke taps, or the attacker passes out.
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