MC18.0 Sankaku-jime (Triangle Choke)

MC18.0 Sankaku-jime (Triangle choke)
A. [Guarding Position]
- Place uke in the guarding position.
- Pull his/her head down.
- Push uke’s arm downward inside your thigh on the side you wish to apply the choke.
- Bring your leg over uke’s shoulder and hook uke’s neck with our knee crease.
- Place the top of your ankle inside the knee crease of your lower leg.
- Control uke’s free arm with your arms.
- Release the choke if uke taps, or the attacker passes out.

B. [Above the Hipline]
This is not as strong as when it is coupled with an armbar, but it works when the opponent is successful in preventing your getting the armbar.
- Cross uke’s hip line.
- Grasp uke’s arm on the opposite side of the choke.
- Slip to the side opposite the arm you’re controlling and bring your calf across uke’s chest.
- Place the top of the choking foot in the crease of the knee of the leg under uke.
- Squeeze your thighs together and pull on uke’s trapped arm.
- Release the choke if uke taps, or the attacker passes out.

C. [Above the Hipline with Armbar]
This is a double threat. You can win with the choke or by the armbar. This is a common finish in many jujitsu self-defense applications. This is a good technique to hold an assailant in place until help can arrive.
Warning: This technique should only be practiced with a qualified AOKK instructor present.
- Move above uke’s hipline.
- Plac uke in an armbar.
- Bring your calf across uke’s throat.
- Place the top of the choking foot in the crease of the knee.
- Arch your back to apply pressure to the choke and armbar.
- Release the choke and armbar if uke taps, or the attacker passes out.

D. [Guarding Position with Leg-bar]
Lifting your opponent and dropping them on their back repeatedly, is one method of passing the guarding position. This is a possible counter to that technique.
- Place uke in the guarding position.
- Allow uke to get into a semi standing position.
- Wrap your legs around uke’s hips.
- Grasp part of ukes uniform/clothing with your free hand, and to control uke’s stand.
- Grasp one of uke’s legs with your other hand/arm and pull his/her foot forwards.
- Push forwards with your legs and arch your back.
- Bring your leg over uke’s shoulder and hook uke’s neck with our knee crease.
- Place the top of your ankle inside the knee crease of your lower leg.
- Place uke in a knee-lock when he/she hits the tatami (floor).
- Squeeze your thighs together and arch you back maintain the knee-lock.
- Release the choke if uke taps, or the attacker passes out.

E. [From Behind]
This can be executed if uke gets to a seated position after the Sprawl and Spin defense.
- Get behind uke when sprawl and spin defense does not allow you to get to his/her back.
- Wrap your arms around uke and pull him/her backwards on top of yourself.
- As you’re rolling backwards, bring your calf over his/her shoulder and across the opponent’s throat.
- Bring your other leg over uke’s opposite shoulder.
- Place the top of the choking foot in the crease of the opposite knee.
- Squeeze your thighs together.
- Release the choke if uke taps, or the attacker passes out.
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