MC19.0 Royte-Jime (Two handed Knuckle Strangle)

MC19.0 Royte-Jime (Two handed Knuckle Strangle)
The purpose of this technique is to shut off the flow of blood to the brain. This is done by constricting the carotid arteries. For this to work, uke must be wearing clothing/uniform. Royte-jime can be applied from almost any position you find yourself in on the tatami or in the street. Remember this is the compassionate method to render an attacker unconscious, but in a life preservation situation driving your thumbs into the attacker’s eyes may have a better result than choking them out.
A. [Guarding Position]
This technique can be implemented from either the top or the bottom while in the guard.
Warning: This technique should only be practiced with a qualified AOKK instructor present.
- Place uke in the guarding position and warp your legs around his/her waist.
Note: This is to limit uke’s movement.
- Grasp both sides of uke’s uniform, by the lapels, with your thumbs inside the lapel.
- Twist the lapel material until your knuckles are pressing into the sides uke’s throat.
- Push your fists together and into uke’s throat.
Note: If uke pulls backwards, this makes the choke even stronger.
- Release the choke if uke taps, or the attacker passes out.

B. [Turtle Position]
This can be coupled with the sprawl and spin defense. The picture is of uke in the turtle position, but this can technique be done even if he/she is flattened face down on the tatami/floor.
Warning: This technique should only be practiced with a qualified AOKK instructor present.
- Get on uke’s back.
- Put your fingers inside both side of ukes’ lapels.
- Press you knuckles into the sides uke’s throat.
- Push your elbows downward to increase pressure.
Note: You can press your forehead into the back of their head to prevent uke from striking you with the back of their head.
- Post one or both of your legs to prevent uke from rolling.
- Release the choke if uke taps, or the attacker passes out

C. [Guarding Position with Leg Pressure]
Uke may try to pull out of the choke if he/she is very strong. This can aid the choke, if you can hang on, but if they’re too strong you may need to use leg pressure until the opponent goes unconscious.
Warning: This technique should only be practiced with a qualified AOKK instructor present.
- Place uke in the guarding position, and keep your legs resting upon uke’s ribs.
- Grasp both sides of uke’s uniform, by the lapels, with your thumbs inside the lapel.
- Twist the lapel material until your knuckles are pressing into the sides uke’s throat.
- Push your fists together and into uke’s throat.
- When uke pushes backwards and is lifting you off the tatami/floor, bring your legs forward and around the outside of uke’s shoulders and place him/her in a figure-four hold.
- Release the choke if uke taps, or the attacker passes out.